Why Hunting?

Our sunrise view in the Sangre De Cristo range during 2013 archery elk season.

“Immerse yourself in the outdoor experience. It will cleanse your soul and make you a better person.”Fred Bear

Sometimes simple questions have the deepest and most complex answers.  A co-worker, friend, neighbor, or complete stranger has probably asked you some variation of this question at some point.  “Why do you

The opening weekend crew, 2013 KS pheasant season.
The opening weekend crew, 2013 KS pheasant season.

hunt?”  Your answer could be based on factors such as: challenge, escape, food, memories, the time spent with your hunting buddies, tradition, escape from your spouse, a combination of these, or something totally different.  I imagine that non-hunters generally expect a simple answer because they don’t understand what drives us to hunt and they certainly couldn’t understand what hunting means to us.  With that in mind I challenge you to answer one or both (I can see it may be necessary to answer both to fully explain) of the questions below:

-Why do you hunt?

-What makes hunting special to you?

Compose your answer in the comment section below.  Your comment will not appear immediately as I have to approve all comments before they post to the site.  The winner will be selected on December 17, 2015.  Good luck!

Kevin and I with my third KS archery deer.
Kevin and I with my third KS archery deer.
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