“Life and death are balanced on the edge of a razor”
-Homer, Iliad
In a flash 2016 is no more and 2017 is half a month in. If the first half of January is any indication of how busy 2017 will be then sleep and relaxation will have to wait until 2018! On January 2nd Remi and I, along with a couple of hunting buddies, cleaned house on upland birds at Valhalla. Remi was on them like a seasoned veteran and our shooting was on point as well. On January 8th I went on my first ever goose hunt with my brother and a few friends. We dropped several geese in the single digit temperatures of the early morning but the afternoon brought a drastic climb in temperature that made the geese lazy and us wet and muddy. On January 11th & 12th Michelle and I went coyote calling in eastern Colorado and northwest Kansas. We located a few but the full moon and wind made them a little less than willing to commit in the daylight. Yotes are always challenging and sometimes frustrating, but it was awesome to get out of the city for a few days and put in some time hunting the plains, my favorite place to hunt. The turkey and deer, both whitetail and muley, were thicker than I have seen in that area in a long time which also added to the enjoyment of the trip. Michelle had fun even though we got shut out and seems to really enjoy hunting more and more each time we go out. Cap that all off with the International Sportsman’s Expo last weekend, putting in some serious time training at the gym, and even going to work somewhere in there and you have my 2017 breakdown to this point. The immediate to-do list includes putting in some research time in preparation for draw submissions (possibly multiple states), Mile High RMEF banquet where I will maybe win something for a change, planning a few spring turkey hunts, and possibly put together a last minute Texas hog hunt.
Even though it seems like I just wrote my first post, Be The Predator has been up and going for a couple of years now. It is my ever-evolving work in progress that I try grow a little each year. Last year we added gear testing and reviews which has been a lot of fun and has helped forge some relationships in the process. I have some ideas for this year which I think will be really cool and will add some good content to the website as well. Some other possibilities I have been pondering for 2017 include guest posts, field testing opportunities for the social media members, photo gallery, and more. We are always open to suggestions as well so feel free to reply here, contact us via our social media outlets, or email comanchestorm@bethepredator.com. I am really excited for what 2017 has in store me personally and for Be The Predator. Hopefully you have big things lined up for this year as well. Make 2017 the year you train longer, go further, and hunt harder than the other 90%. Be a predator, not a stereotype.