Bird Dogs & Upland Hunting

Sunny February hunt at Valhalla. Photo credit: Michelle Haines
Sunny February hunt at Valhalla.
Photo credit: Michelle Haines


Growing up in northwest Kansas, opening weekend of pheasant season was far more than a “weekend”.  It was something that we looked forward to more than any holiday.  It was a once a year event where friends and family came together to walk endless miles in search of the majestic pheasant.  Whether it was unseasonably hot, sub-zero cold, snowing, windy (which it almost always is in Kansas), raining, or perfect weather, nothing stopped us from our pursuit.  Bird hunting means even more to me now that I hunt with my bird dog, Remi.  There is nothing quite as awesome as putting in the work to train a dog and seeing the results in the field.  I can’t imagine ever going back to hunting upland without a dog.  This photo gallery is dedicated to everything upland hunting and the dogs that make it more fun and successful.

Photos in this album taken by: Michelle Haines, Daniel Brooks, Travis Haines, Tim Wood, Trevin Haines, & Tate Haines.

Jerimee, Travis, Greg, and Remi after a snowy hunt.
Jerimee, Travis, Greg, and Remi after a snowy hunt.


Pointing from the ledge.
Pointing from the ledge.


Remi showing off in a glory pic with Tim and Jerimee.
Remi showing off in a glory pic with Tim and Jerimee.


Remi locked in. Photo credit: Trevin Haines
Remi locked in.
Photo credit: Trevin Haines
Chukar success.
Chukar success.






Early summer chukar training with Remi. Photo credit: Michelle Haines
Early summer chukar training with Remi.
Photo credit: Michelle Haines


Remi is not much for posing after this hunt at Valhalla

The opening weekend crew, 2013 KS pheasant season.
The opening weekend crew, 2013 KS pheasant season.







Hard earned eastern Colorado rooster.
Hard earned eastern Colorado rooster.


Photo credit: Trevin Haines
Photo credit: Trevin Haines











Remi's first KS pheasant hunt. Photo credit: Michelle Haines
Remi’s first KS pheasant hunt.
Photo credit: Michelle Haines




Got the rooster! Photo credit: Trevin Haines
Got the rooster!
Photo credit: Trevin Haines


Remi's first water retrieve....a chukar!
Remi’s first water retrieve….a chukar!


Happy hound! Photo credit: Michelle Haines
Happy hound!
Photo credit: Michelle Haines


Awesome Colorado fall day with my favorite bird hunting partner. Photo credit: Michelle Haines
Awesome Colorado fall day with my favorite bird hunting partner.
Photo credit: Michelle Haines


Summer exercise at Valhalla. Photo credit: Michelle Haines
Summer exercise at Valhalla.
Photo credit: Michelle Haines


G.S.P.'s are some of the most regal bird dogs. Photo credit: Michelle Haines
G.S.P.’s are some of the most regal bird dogs.
Photo credit: Michelle Haines


Photo credit: Michelle Haines
Photo credit: Michelle Haines


Remi's first hunting trip to Kansas. Photo credit: Michelle Haines
Remi’s first hunting trip to Kansas.
Photo credit: Michelle Haines


Trav and Toree walking with Remi. Photo credit: Michelle Haines
Trav and Toree walking with Remi.
Photo credit: Michelle Haines


Proud boy with his rooster.
Proud boy with his rooster.


Pile of chukar.
Pile of chukar.



2010 Kansas opening weekend.
2010 Kansas opening weekend.


Choctaw and Remi going hunting without me.
Choctaw and Remi going hunting without me.


The day the adventures with Remi began.
The day the adventures with Remi began.


Training a bird dog takes an incredible amount of time and work but its well worth it.
Training a bird dog takes an incredible amount of time and work but its well worth it.


Training Remi at Valhalla.
Training Remi at Valhalla.


Bumper training at the park. Photo credit: Michelle Haines
Bumper training at the park.
Photo credit: Michelle Haines









17 birds total on this awesome February day.
17 birds total on this awesome February day.


Working the creek at Valhalla.
Working the creek at Valhalla.
Remi doing his thing.
Remi doing his thing.










Patient and steady.
Patient and steady.



On the bird.
On the bird.



Sometimes he likes to pose. Generally only when he is on point.
Sometimes he likes to pose. Generally only when he is on point.







Proud boy!
Proud boy!




Wild animal!
Wild animal!  GSP’s make some of the most awesome faces.
Leo, out new addition as of summer, 2017.
Leo, out new addition as of summer, 2017.


Leo trying to keep up with Remi.
Leo trying to keep up with Remi.



Leo exploring.
Leo exploring.
Exercise on a cool summer day.
Exercise on a cool summer day.
Leo picking up the game quickly at training.
Leo picking up the game quickly at training.
Park posing.
Park posing.
Sacked out after training.
Sacked out after training.




Serious park training going on here.
Leo working on honoring.
Leo working on honoring.











Remi loves the tailgate victory shots.
Sunset running.











Remi worked his ass off this day, but he was ready to do it all over again!
Remi worked his ass off this day, but he was ready to do it all over again!











Leo is serious and all business about 95% of the time.
Leo is serious and all business about 95% of the time.













































Michelle decided to start doing some bird hunting in 2017.
Michelle decided to start doing some bird hunting in 2017.












Leo introduced himself to barbwire....and staples.
Leo introduced himself to barbwire….and staples.





Michelle and Remi with the victory pose.
Michelle and Remi with the victory pose.


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